A lot of people don’t enjoy making small talk, but it can be a big help to anyone looking to get ahead at work or find a new relationship. A Substack user created the FLIP method, an easy-to-remember anagram that provides people with some great go-to topics the next time you are at a party.
The Danes work less hours then us, are far richer and report being happy with their work. Why is the UK getting it so wrong and what Nordic lessons can be learned from worker smarter not harder?
Browse our collection of cat paintings, foiled prints, and stickers for uniquely hand drawn and hand painted cat artwork. Collect all the kitties! Shop today!
Nostalgic Instant Messanger services. Connect vintage AIM clients and chat with friends like in the stone age.
Despite what you’ve heard, human progress is still happening. Check out our newsletter and other original content that showcase it.
SpaceHey is a retro social network focused on privacy and customizability.
Including marketing and advertisement; tech, it, and software; and charity groups as well, the companies employ 5,000 people.
When meeting our need to feel safe, secure and loved, we tend to focus on our immediate support network. But what happens when you cast your net wider, whether by choice or circumstance?
Natacha Planque is working to understand how the climate crisis is impacting emperor and Adélie penguins in Antarctica
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